It's funny, I am more tired right now then I as after doing the Wildflower Long Course last weekend...but I guess that is because this weekend I biked and ran farther than I ever have!
Saturday we started with an hour swim:
I liked that we were in the pool because my neck was still healing from the wetsuit hickie I got last weekend. Note to self: remember to put A LOT more body glide on my neck next time I wear my wet suit.
Then after the swim we were supposed to go on a 4 hour bike ride...funny thing is my four hour bike rides always turn into 5 or 5 and a half. Thanks to Les we got to do 61 miles with 3,500 feet of climbing!
That's me and Amanda and Tony only about a third of the way up the mountain. I don't know if you can tell, but I was covered in sweat, and it looks like we were happy, but that was just for the picture. Right about this time we were cursing Les, and I was using language I hardly even use!
But once we got to the top, it was quite beautiful!
That's the Pacific Ocean, we biked all the way from Santa Rosa to the Pacific and back! And when I got back Les gave me a shoulder massage, so I forgave him for making us go on the incredibly hard bike ride.
So that was Saturday. Today, I had to get up and run 15 miles. This was the first time I have ever run more than 13 miles. I was exhausted from yesterday, but I did my little run 10 minutes/walk 2 minutes and when I got bored running around Lake Merritt after 10 miles, I took a break, drove to the Berkeley Marina and did my last 5 there. This is preparing me for Ironman Canada, right? There will be little shuttles I can take to get from one part of the marathon to the next, right? Someone please tell me I won't actually have to run all 26.2 miles after biking 112!!!! ;) Just kidding. I know what I have gotten myself into...or maybe I don't know for sure, but each weekend when the workouts get harder and longer I begin to understand why people call me crazy for doing this. :)